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The Chronicles of Sandwich Bag Dad

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This dad’s morning ritual of drawing on his 3 daughter’s lunch-bags has been the highlight of the school day for teachers and students at his local school  for 8 years (and counting).

Recently, via Instagram this quirky tradition has also been found to be entertaining 1,000’s of families across the world and now form the foundation of this fun, pun filled exhibition.

Dave Blumenthal aka The Sandwich Bag Dad and his family will join us at the official opening night on Friday 16 April from 6:30pm. Bring the kids along, have a laugh (or an eye roll) whilst grazing on nibbles and a drinks.
Limited tickets- Bookings recommended phone or drop into the gallery to book and pay. $5 each or $10 family.

David will also be running two workshop for ages 5 and up on Saturday 17th April. For workshop information CLICK HERE

Grab the family and join in following the Chronicles of Sandwich Bag Dad!

Exhibition runs through until 14 June.


16 April 2021  10:00 am
14 June 2021  4:00 pm
Free – $10
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National Cartoon Gallery @The Bunker, Coffs Harbour
1 John Champion Way, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
Coffs Harbour, 2450 AU
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